Hosea | Session 3 | Hosea 1-3


WARNING: This lecture on Hosea 1-3 contains sensitive subject matter and language which may not be appropriate for children.

This week, Natalie concludes her two-part lecture on the first three chapters of Hosea. The second part of the teaching covers Hosea 2:14-3:5.

Natalie talks about God's wilderness pursuit of His people, His vision of future restoration, His marriage vows to Israel, and the picture of redemption we get to see in Hosea and Gomer's relationship. We are reminded this week that God's greatest desire for us is that we would desire Him.

Natalie also interviews Elise Herzing, who shares her wisdom and encouragement from her time in the wilderness with God. Elise reminds that God is with us in the wilderness!

Natalie closes her talk by explaining the homework for Session 4.

To find the PowerPoint slides for Session 3, click here.

To listen to the first part of this lecture, click here.

Session 3 Outline: 

  • God’s Wilderness Pursuit (2:14-15)

  • God’s Vision of Restoration (2:16-18, 21-23)

  • God’s Wedding Vows to Israel (2: 19-20)

  • God’s Picture of Redemption (3:1-5)

During Session 3, Natalie talks about the following references and resources:

Summer Study 2018DWITW