Transformed | {S4 E15}

Today, we have the wonderful privilege of having a special guest on the podcast! On this episode, she shares how God hit her with John 4:36 in a time where her heart had been hardened against the idea of having or raising kids. But God began to use her community, and specifically mothers in her life, to soften her heart toward the idea of children.

She wants to live in a world where everyone loves their neighbor as themselves, and where you can have Ohio weather in the summer and fall, but Florida weather in the spring and winter. When she's not working as a Physical Therapist or helping her husband lead a house church, you can find her spending time outside (when it’s warm enough).

Her favorite Scripture (this year) is Proverbs 3:5-6, ESV: ”Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Podcast Navigation: 

02:00 Getting To Know Our Guest
03:00 Her Favorite Scripture
08:00 Letting Go Of Control
13:00 Full Surrender
17:00 Walking In Obedience
24:00 Sarah Sees God's Faithfulness

On this episode, Bethany and our guest talk about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.