At Home in the Word | Psalms {S6 E6}


Jillian is joined by Lisa Meiners on the DWITW podcast today to take a look at the Psalms and biblical poetry. They discuss the depth and range of emotion found in the Psalms, and how poetry calls us to respond to God and interact with Him in the midst of all life’s aspects. While looking at challenges and resources for studying this genre, Lisa also highlights the images of Jesus that fill the Psalms and the power of Scripture interpreting Scripture.

Lisa wants to live in a world where God's splendor and majesty are seen through His creation of the mountains and seas. When she's not studying to teach, you can find her walking around the neighborhood hand-in-hand with her husband. Her favorite Scripture is Isaiah 55:8-9 for it keeps her grounded in her thoughts and plans as she humbly walks with God by the Spirit.

Lisa Meiners, founder of Deeper Still Ministries, is a Christian speaker, author and Bible study teacher. Her passion is to see women of God not only know the truths of His Word, but to go Deeper Still by applying and living out these truths in their daily lives. Lisa has authored two Bible studies and a 31-day devotional, and has shared the message of God’s truth with women at events throughout the country.  She currently lives in Centerville, Ohio with her husband, Dennis. They have two sons who attend Grove City College, and a daughter and son-in-law who live in New York. Lisa loves to read, take walks with her husband, and cheer on IU basketball.

You can connect with her via, Facebook, Twitter at @DeeperStill01, or Instagram at @lisa.meiners. You can also email her at

Podcast Navigation: 

02:10 Meet Lisa
05:20 What are the Psalms
16:40 Purposes behind the literary style of poetry
25:40 Challenges of reading the Psalms
29:20 Tips for studying the Psalms
33:20 Resources for additional study

On this episode, Jillian and Lisa talk about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.