Fix Your Eyes on Jesus - He’s Worth It!


As an editor, one of my favorite verses has always been Hebrews 12:1-2. A section of it reads:

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…”

You would think it would be the word “Author” that catches my eye, and while it does resonate with my editor-heart, the more striking word to me in these verses has always been the word “eyes.”

Eyes are a fascinating thing. You see, many days what my eyes are focused on is where my heart is focused. My bet is, you are similar. When you see a good sale, do you pine longingly for that treasured item? Or, like me, when you see fresh chocolate chip cookies or a mouth-watering steak, is that all your heart (or maybe your stomach) wants? Or, on a more serious note, when you stare deeply into the eyes of a loved one, does your heart soar with gratefulness?

This year, I’ve seen the truth of the saying ‘the eyes are a window into the soul.’ They show us where our focus is. To summarize Jesus’ words in Matt. 6:19-23, for where your eyes are fixed, there also will be your heart. But, the question I keep coming back to in pondering this word, eyes, is this: What are my eyes fixed on? Jesus, or other things?

the question I keep coming back to in pondering this word, eyes, is this: What are my eyes fixed on? Jesus, or other things?

I can honestly say it’s been a mixed year. There’s been a lot of change, transition, and questions this year - and my eyes have gotten diverted from Jesus more than a few times. It’s been a daily journey to keep turning away from other things and back to my King. But I praise God for His relentless pursuit and ever-beckoning call in my life. He continues to place measures of grace that enable me to keep fixing my eyes on Him.

One of the measures of grace He has used this past year was that of my volunteer role with the Dayton Women in the Word team. Serving as the Content Editor, I had the great privilege to help steward over many words this year. Words that informed, words that told stories, words that spoke life - words, ultimately, that we hope and pray gave God back some of the glory He is due.

I saw this role as an active practice of stewardship. A stewardship of truth. And through this role, I saw that God is the Steward over my life. I won’t lie to you, 2018 has been a hard, confusing year in many ways, but one thing I have definitely had is ample opportunity to choose to trust Him. Trust Him, even when I cannot see. Trust Him, even when I don’t have answers or specific direction. I’m learning, albeit slowly,  that this is what faith is, choosing to trust - not because you “get it all,” but because God is sovereign, good, and wise.

As a sermon I listened to recently reminded me, I’ve seen God say to me over and over again: “I didn’t ask you to have all the solutions, I asked you to have faith.” That is what this role has taught me - to have more faith. Faith that God can do abundantly more than I can ask or imagine. Faith that He uses broken people and situations for His glory. Faith that He can be trusted. Faith that He will do what He says He will do. Faith that He is faith-FULL, even when I fail in faith.

So, now as I close this chapter and move on to work on some other things the Lord is calling me to, I think about all that God has done in the past year through DWITW, and I am humbled. I’m humbled to have been to have taken part in this weighty work of stewarding truth - it has taught me once again to fix my eyes back on Jesus and choose to trust Him. This has been a true and pure gift.

My goal was always to lift high the name of Christ and to encourage other women to do the same. And I know  this is the goal of our new Content Editor, Stephani Duff. So, as I close this chapter, that is my encouragement to her and to you dear readers of the DWITW blog community: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus. He will never fade. He can be trusted with your yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows. He is a good Steward. He is a good Author and will continue perfecting you, growing you up into His likeness, for the sake of the gospel!

Bekah Brewer wants to live in a world where travel is quicker & cheaper, people are wisely vulnerable, and where discipleship is not just a concept but a thriving heartbeat of the whole Church. When she’s not editing for DWITW or her business (Words Redeemed), you can find her playing soccer, pouring into friends & family, or planning out more times of fun, rest, and growth. Her favorite Scripture is Philippians 1:27a: Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. (HCSB)