Posts tagged Remembering
A Blessing to Motherhood

Nine years ago, a little boy was conceived. He would be the first to call me mother. Our clan has now grown to three, a boy and two girls. Truly a gift unmerited from the Lord. Still, I have found myself running to the Lord for wisdom, strength, and identity in motherhood. His grace and strength have delivered me from the pit many times. The Word of the Lord has sustained me in times of uncertainty, strife, misunderstanding, longing, sickness, and grief. It is grace for sanctification, that through my children, He parents me yet more. The knowledge that I am called to be an ambassador of Christ to my children takes away the burden of “making” perfect children. Instead, I walk alongside the Lord as I watch His grace call lost hearts, mold characters, and create pure hearts in my children. I will boast yet in my weakness as I parent, for when I am weak then He is strong.


So, this blessing is for new mom with expectant eyes, for the mom who faced a miscarriage, for the mom who daily remembers an abortion, for the mom whose arms are left empty to the death of their child, for the mom whose womb remains barren yet, for the mom who has experienced a failed adoption, and for the mom whose children came through adoption. This blessing is for the mothers aching for children separated from them, the mothers who feel less than, and for the mothers loving children whose birth families are in crisis. This blessing also reaches to the moms at different stages, the mom with busy toddlers, the mom with school-aged children testing their boundaries, and the mom with children leaving the nest. This blessing also belongs to the mom with a child whose rejection aches heavy, the grandmother who now finds herself raising another set of children, the mom caring for a child with an illness or special needs, the moms yet to be, and those who know or may not know that the calling of motherhood also beckons them.

Another facet of motherhood for me is the calling to make disciples. I do this around the table monthly, with beautiful women from around the city. My calling to spiritual motherhood began many  years. One of my greatest treats was to spend time with the older ladies at my church. I asked, listened, gleaned, but mainly watched as they lived a life worthy of the calling of God. So I began to pay attention to the ones younger than me. I spoke life over them, I listened to them, I encouraged them to seek the Lord. One of the ways I loved to do this was by writing poems for them, letting them know  I saw Jesus in them. I also pointed them to the Word of God, showing them how learning it and loving it had made all the difference for me. It had looked different at different times of my life, but now that I have reflected on those times, I pray I can incorporate them with my littles too. Revel in the calling of spiritual motherhood. Let it bring life to areas of your life that may have gone dormant. You will be nourished and the Lord’s provision will simply astound you.

So, Dear Hearts, the Lord and I have been thinking about you and we bless you.

A baby in arms a heart full
A smile that plays in the eyes
Unbelief that this one is yours and will call you mom
Blessed be the God who filled your womb
You are blessed mother, run to your strength.

A prayer sent to heaven above
A cry stifled with tears warm
What was to be
Has not come to pass
Blessed be the God who hears
You are blessed mother,
Morning, noon, and evening His ears hear your cry.

Unsteady you sit tears stream
Your heart yearning, longing
To be full just one more time
The emptiness threatens to overtake
Blessed be the God who sees
You are blessed mother,
His arms tenderly hold your broken heart.

A desert bare
A wilderness of unknown
Where is the promise of a life-giving womb?
Again confronted with a womb full
And your heart aches with longing at first
And then with desperation
Will it ever be?
Blessed be the God who knows
You are blessed mother,
For He makes known to you the path of life.

A gift given
To experience your spiritual adoption in the physical
Your heart swings open
And you embrace one whom your soul loves
Dissonance loud, mistake, I’m sorry…
No longer yours
Blessed be the God who predestines for adoption
You are blessed mother,
He chose you from the foundation of the earth - you are His.

A family but children- just a desire
A joy to be with friends and inhale their giggles full
The beautiful souls unclaimed
Your heart couldn’t resist
The whisper, Love them
So you do and your heart almost implodes
Blessed be the God whose joy is our strength
You are blessed mother,
In His presence there is fullness of joy forever more.

The baby is on the move
The days seem to stretch
But nights are short and mornings come quickly
Frazzled, dazed, tired, hungry
Don’t numb, distract , or give in to indulgence
Blessed be the God who gives rest
You are blessed mother,
He invites you to come bathe in His rhythms of grace - Sabbath

A child vocal and strong
Curious explorer setting his own boundaries
Testing and prodding in whiny vocabulary
Your triggered-buttons pushes
A sigh of exasperation escapes
Is this even worth it?
Blessed be the God who shepherds
You are blessed mother,
As you guide your child, so as a lamb your Heavenly Father guides you to Quiet waters and restores your soul.

The long days turn to short years
And you look up and the child is grown
Where has the time gone?
Could it be time to completely let go and let fly?
Blessed be the God who bids us follow
You are blessed mother,
For the same God who calls you to follow Him also calls your child.

Anger, resentment, rejection
Taking, withholding
Longing for a small piece - if even that
The longing of a sweet blossoming of friendship as you both grew up
Still just a longing
Blessed be the God who intercedes
You are blessed mother,
For you have an advocate who day and night intercedes for you and your son at the right hand of the Father.

Your grandchildren are a crown
But you did not anticipate their care
They have burrowed deep in your heart
Life is different than imagined
Though rich and full of joy
Blessed be the God who renews your strength
You are blessed mother,
For they who wait for the Lord shall run and not be weary.

Fear grips your heart
Disease, incurable, not sure - more tests
This babe was supposed to be whole and healthy
Your heart pounds
No control
Only trust
Blessed be the God who heals
You are blessed mother,
For He gave his only Son by whose stripes we are healed.

The refinement of motherhood
Is not exclusive
It draws and attracts
The giving of ourselves
The unveiling of our souls to each other
Spiritual motherhood a calling
Strong resilient and needed
Look around and take them in
The ones placed within your boundaries on purpose
Blessed be God who sets our times and spaces
You are blessed spiritual mother,
For He has caused your boundaries to fall in pleasant places; surely you have a delightful inheritance.

Light up in smiles
Clap, sing, dance, create
The blessings you have received
Are good and gracious
In beholding them you find more intricacies of Christ
It is His grace and kindness that leads us to repentance
In Him you have received everything you need
Blessed be the God who is pleased to reveal
You are blessed mother,
For He has made known to you the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure!

After you finish reading this blessing take some time to sit and rest in the Lord. You are truly blessed.


When you are ready, take some time to look up the following Bible references. From the Word came the inspiration for how the Lord provides His grace in motherhood. The Word of God is alive and active, let it go deep into your heart and soul. In His grace, may the Word of God not return void but work in transformation for your sanctification. Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and evermore shall be: world without end. Amen.


Daisy Dronen is a bellwether table-gatherer who loves fresh cut flowers and reading. Always reading! She invites women to join her around the table, creating a beautiful space in which to disciple a generation. With If:Dayton, she has discovered that beholding each other leads to a deeper revelation of who Jesus is and who He says we are - all while enjoying delicious food together. As a woman, she knows that we can all fear rejection. But around the table, we can make room for everyone to feel welcomed and push past our fears as we dive into meaningful conversation. A few evenings a week Daisy turns in her mom cape for a white coat as a nurse supervisor at a hospital in Dayton, Ohio. Adventuring with the love of her life is one of her greatest pleasures - following Jesus is her #1 pleasure. Daisy was born in Honduras, raised in Texas, but Dayton, Ohio is home. She loves to travel, spend time in nature, and dream of more dancing opportunities. This year one of her goals is to use her writing and story to encourage others that their story has a purpose in life. She would love to meet you and have you join her for tea. You can catch glimpses of her life on Instagram @daisyfd or email her at


Photo credit to Echo by Design

Remembrance {Team Journal}

Today’s team journal was written by our Finance Director, Christina Von Moll. 


I heard it said somewhere by someone that there are no coincidences when it comes to the things of God. When images and themes keep popping up in different circumstances it’s probably a good idea to pay attention. Lately for me, it’s been stones of remembrance. I’ve been studying Joshua with my local BSF class and our DWITW podcast live recording centered around women sharing testimonies of stones of remembrance in their lives. This coincidence led me to think about what stones I had to lay down in remembrance of all He has done in my life.

Here and now we can raise our thanksgiving to the Lord because there is so much to remember.

God saved me when I was a crushed and abused soul seeking worth in the attention and approval of the world. He used my brokenness to open my eyes to my need for a Savior. He used my less than ideal circumstances to stir my heart to desire the fullness of a life given over to that Savior. He opened my eyes to the reality of my spiritual depravity and for every lie that was struck down by the truth of His Word, a piece of my carefully curated mask was torn away. I started to run out of hiding places within myself and I was on the edge of complete surrender, complete trust, and completely finding my worth and identity in Him. This meant dying to the shame and broken mindset that was my default.

While teetering on the brink, I endured a confusing and toxic break up which fueled my fall back into shame. I was desperate to find rest in my old habits but quickly realized that it only lead to restlessness. I knew I was in rebellion and disobedient to the truth that had been so endearing to me. It was a dark season but God pursued me. He drew me in once again and I felt the call to repent of my disobedience and walk a new path. By the complete grace of God I met my husband during that bleak season. Four years and two amazingly beautiful kids later I can see His sovereign hand that brought me to this place. As I look back at what He’s done in my life, the disappointments and hardships I face now are put into perspective. God is completely and totally trustworthy and He will bring me through any trial.

Here I’ll raise my Ebenezer
by thy help I’m come”

These words from the famous hymn ”Come Thou Fount” resonate in my heart as I think on the testimonies He has written for me.

In the midst of disappointment, reversal, or any challenge we face. We can remember the grace of the Lord and His love over us. Whatever side of deliverance we may be on, whether He has called us to, through, or out of something we can raise our Ebenezer. With every stone, in every circumstance, we can thank the Lord for his lavish grace and faithfulness that has brought us right here. Here and now we can raise our thanksgiving to the Lord because there is so much to remember. Where we are matters and we should always remember the strength and the steadfast love of the Lord that brought us here. If you are going through difficulty, know that His faithfulness endures beyond any earthly circumstance and that this season is a light momentary affliction. One day as you look back it will be but another stone and testimony of His goodness. You’ll see how He used every circumstance to bring you here.

Christina Von Moll wants to live in a world where coffee breaks are mandatory and kids actually sleep through the night. When she's not wrangling her two tiny children, you can find her binge-watching seasons of "The Office" or curled up with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Her favorite Scripture is 1 John 3:1-2, ESV.

Actively Remember {DWITW 365}

In Ezekiel 16:1-14, we see a picture of a cast out infant left for dead, but God in His divine mercy and love not only rescued that baby, but also cleansed, swaddled, and nourished her into a healthy vibrant and lovely daughter fit for her marriage vows. This imagery depicts each one of us individually but also corporately as the bride of Christ, before and after God made a covenant with us and our journey of redemption through Christ began.

But He didn’t stop there! He helped us thrive and grow into a beautiful mature daughter and He robed us in His righteousness and covered our shame with His glory and adorned us with a crown and declared His marriage vows over us. He made a covenant with us cleaning us from all of our unrighteousness and anointing us with the fragrance of Christ.

Interestingly enough we see this child of God, while she has been taken care of well and clothed in all her glory, she has still forgotten the former days of her childhood and all that God had done for her. And in this forgetting she soon committed lewd and abominable acts - in spite of God’s great love and mercy.

When we are prospering and life is going “well” we also can be quick to forget all that the Lord has done for us.

Sound familiar? We, too, are that daughter. When we are prospering and life is going “well” we also can be quick to forget all that the Lord has done for us. God is ready and willing to forgive our wandering idolatrous hearts, but He also gives us insight throughout His word as to the significance of actively remembering all the works He has done for us. For instance, Deuteronomy 4:9 says:“But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.”

We are called, just like the Israelites were in Joshua 4, to not only never forget but also to actively remember all that the Lord has done for us. When all the people had crossed the Jordan, the LORD said to Joshua, “Now choose twelve men, one from each tribe. Tell them, ‘Take twelve stones from the very place where the priests are standing in the middle of the Jordan. ...We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future your children will ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ Then you can tell them, ‘They remind us that the Jordan River stopped flowing when the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant went across.’

Are we being like the Israelites and presenting the miraculous works God has done in our lives to the future generations? Or, are we forgetting to actively recall and recite the work that the Lord has done in our lives? When we actively remember God’s redemptive work in our lives we are laying out a living memorial for all to see and worship the one true God!

It is vitally important in the maintenance and implementation of a vibrant walk with our Savior to recall His faithful love toward us because we are so prone to forget. Life has a way of creating meaningless as well as meaningful distractions and disruptions. These make it challenging for us to stay focused on the goodness of the Lord in our lives.  We must encourage each other to actively remember what the Lord has done otherwise we can forget His goodness toward us and walk with idolatrous hearts before Him. 

Similarly, Isaiah 46 is a call to come out of our idolatry and bondage by remembering the things that the LORD has done: “Do not forget this! Keep it in mind! Remember this, you guilty ones. Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me.”

Christ came down and rescued each one of us out of deep darkness

Christ came down and rescued each one of us out of deep darkness, as recounted in Psalm 18. He prophesied, “Live!” over us in Ezekiel 16:4-14 when we were born into sin and corruption. When we were unwanted and rejected, He came and had mercy on our helpless, filthy state and declared LIFE there!

Isaiah 61:3 also gives us a beautiful picture of God’s loving care for us as His bride - He has promised to “… give [us] a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.”

Look what the Lord has done!!! Yet, we turn and worship lesser gods in our lives like status, wealth and comfort and exchange our beauty for deception just as Adam and Eve did in the garden.

So, instead of forgetting, let us recall today how God swooped down to rescue us out of the darkness and restored our innocence as depicted by the psalmist in Psalm 18:

... Mounted on a mighty angelic being, he flew, soaring on the wings of the wind. He shrouded himself in darkness, veiling his approach with dark rain clouds. Thick clouds shielded the brightness around him and rained down hail and burning coals. The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded amid the hail and burning coals. … He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and were too strong for me. They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, but the LORD supported me. He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me. The LORD rewarded me for doing right;”

What a glorious picture of God’s saving tenacious love over our lives!  Therefore, in all our doing today may we see the dire need for actively remembering all that the LORD has done in our lives so that we never forget and we may honor Him. We must passionately and resolutely set up stones of remembrance in our lives by sharing our redemptive journey with others, so that we are not building pagan shrines on the altars of our hearts. This only leads us away from the knowledge of God into idolatry, with our hearts then against our faithful Father.


Karen Savage wants to live in a world where Christ is Glorified. When she's not serving her family, you can find her serving others. Her favorite Scripture is John 15:7-8 ESV.