Elizabeth Kilby {S2 E13}

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We'd like you to meet our podcast guest this week, Elizabeth Kilby! Elizabeth chats with us about how she and her family use their home, The Harvest House, as a means to serve and disciple women stuck in tough situations.

Elizabeth wants to live in a world where people genuinely care about each other, we all have friends who will keep us accountable, and chocolate is good for you. When she’s not chasing her six kids around, you can find her running Harvest House or going out for date night with her husband.

Her favorite Scripture is 1 Thessalonians 2:8b (NIV): "Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."

Learn more about Harvest House at www.HarvestHouseDayton.com or email at harvestdayton@gmail.com.

In this episode, hosts Jillian and Kaitlyn chat with Elizabeth about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.

Season 2DWITW