Season 4: Transformed | Natalie Herr {S4 E1}

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Welcome to Season Four of the Dayton Women in the Word Podcast! This season we'll be hearing testimonies from women of how God has used His word to transform their lives and/or transform their view of Himself. For this season, God has lead us to two passages of focus about being transformed: Romans 12:2 and Hebrews 4:12.

We begin this season with DWITW Team Lead, Natalie Herr, meditating on Genesis 3:21. On this episode, she explains the significance of this small verse and the great impact and hope it has brought to her life. She connects the literal covering God provided for Adam and Eve to the blood of Jesus that God provided which covers US. In the smallness of this basic verse, we are reminded of God's intentionality with every single word of scripture. 

Natalie wants to live in a world where all people experience the freedom and joy of the gospel, and where we all just get to sit at the feet of Jesus. When she's not caring for her husband and four kids, you can find her leading the DWITW team, co-shepherding a house church, dreaming up adventures, and reading as often as possible. 

Her favorite Scripture at the moment is Psalm 52:8-9, ESV.

Connect with Natalie on Instagram at @natalieherr or via email at!

Podcast Navigation: 

05:00 Getting To Know Natalie
07:00 Natalie's Scripture
12:00 God's Better Covering
19:00 There Is Power In Every Word
28:00 He Covers Our Failures
32:00 How He Sees Us
37:00 Spiritual Motherhood

On this episode, Jillian and Natalie talk about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.