Jesus: True and Better // Session 1: Context and Background {S12 E1}

This episode is session one of our “Jesus: True and Better” Group Study Bundle, which focuses on Hebrews 1-7. In this episode, Amber introduces the book of Hebrews by teaching on its context and Old Testament background.

These recordings are designed to accompany your study after you spend time in individual study and group discussion. To study along with us, download Jesus: True and Better Group Study Companion Guide from our website.

Podcast Navigation:

00:55 Psalm 95

01:47 Introduction to Context

05:50 Who wrote it?

07:50 When was it written? & Metanarrative

11:08 Who was it written to?

13:02 In what style is it written?

13:55 Why was it written?

16:15 Overview of Study

17:40 Old Testament Background

25:40 Closing

References and Resources

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.